Hello, this popular page is ''What Are The Runes, How To Look At The Runes''.
You may click extra pages above for VIDEOS & PHOTOS about the Runes.
Please read the extra pages for more information, by clicking the ''extra pages'' above, and enjoy reading! Note: The author does not use the runes, and this is presented for entertainment, as a part of the history of Kabbalah Numerology.
All info copyright 2001 by Charles Words
Today the Runes you can purchase are the
symbols of 1000 AD and beyond, cast into
stones that are said to reveal meanings.
These Runes are set in the same order as the
vibrations of numerology, from 1 to 25,
as discussed in my book Numerology
(available on Amazon Books)

This is what the ancient alphabet of
the Runes looked like circa 100 BC:

(artwork from blogspot and kingworkscreative)
note: this is a popular web page, but
the author does not use the Runes.
This page is provided for the reader
for information and entertainment.
The author uses knowledge of basic
numerology for name analysis.
This page features Runes, as an
example of how symbols such
as these can have the same
vibrations as numerology, and
you can choose to play with the
Runes if you are interested....
Note: use the Viking Runes diagram to see what the Runes look like for the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., to 25.
Refer to this diagram when using this website. Thank you.
For More Info On The Runes,
The History Of The Runes,
And How To Use The Runes Today: